Manuel Ahnemüller explores topics such as space perception, cultural heritage, and identity with an analytical yet experimental approach to forms and materials, often resulting in installations or stage designs. His work has been exhibited at venues such as the Humboldt Forum in Berlin and the Triennale di Milano. As a doctoral candidate at HfG Offenbach, he investigates the significance of everyday objects like plastic bags from cultural-scientific and media-theoretical perspectives.
Manuel Ahnemüller explores topics such as space perception, cultural heritage, and identity with an analytical yet experimental approach to forms and materials, often resulting in installations or stage designs. His work has been exhibited at venues such as the Humboldt Forum in Berlin and the Triennale di Milano. As a doctoral candidate at HfG Offenbach, he investigates the significance of everyday objects like plastic bags from cultural-scientific and media-theoretical perspectives.
Manuel Ahnemüller explores topics such as space perception, cultural heritage, and identity with an analytical yet experimental approach to forms and materials, often resulting in installations or stage designs. His work has been exhibited at venues such as the Humboldt Forum in Berlin and the Triennale di Milano. As a doctoral candidate at HfG Offenbach, he investigates the significance of everyday objects like plastic bags from cultural-scientific and media-theoretical perspectives.
Evelyn Bencicova is a visual creative specialising in photography and art direction. Informed by her background in fine art and new media studies (University for Applied Arts, Vienna), Evelyn’s practice combines her interest in contemporary culture with academic research to create a unique aesthetic space in which the conceptual meets the visual.
Michael Braun is a product designer and design researcher and teaches and researches at the Chair of Design Theory and Design Research at the Bauhaus University Weimar. He focuses on contemporary and emerging technologies' impact on design and design processes, bridging theory and practice. In his dissertation, he explores the potential of digital craftsmanship in the field of action design research and examines the paradigm shift in design and manufacturing processes in the digital age. He investigates how computerized design processes enable the development of variable products within a seemingly lost processuality.(Further informations:
Joris Demnard is a digital architect and solution provider of 3D, XR, and web solutions for the art and cultural sector. Over the last 6 years, his company IKONOSPACE has developed high-tech solutions ranging from 3D virtual galleries for artists and galleries to custom-made solutions for clients such as Art Basel, the Louvre Abu Dhabi or the LOEWE FOUNDATION to name a few.
Georg Dickmann is currently researching narrative strategies at the agency Fischer-Appelt and is a lecturer at the Berlin University of the Arts. The literary scholar and philosopher was a research associate at the Centre for Literary and Cultural Research (ZfL) in Berlin and received his doctorate from the DFG Research Training Group "The Knowledge of the Arts" at the Berlin University of the Arts. His research focuses on contemporary science-fiction, philosophies of new materialism, posthumanism and autotheoretical writing.
Prof. Elizabeth Sikiaridi: co-founder of Hybrid Space Lab (, a think-tank and design-lab on architecture, urbanism, design, and digital culture. Lecturing since 1997 on urban landscape design at the University Duisburg-Essen and the TH-OWL, heading the “Sustainable Landscape Design and Development Master”. Born in London, grew up in Athens, studied architecture at the École d’Architecture de Belleville/Paris and TU Darmstadt (honors), worked at the architectural office Behnisch&Partner and TU Berlin.
Christoph Engemann: Studied Psychology at the University of Bremen, PhD in Media Studies at the Bauhaus University Weimar. 2020/2021 Visiting Professor Media Studies International School Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China. Previous positions Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences, Käthe-Hamburger Kolleg Internationales Kolleg für Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie in Weimar, DFG Research Group Media Cultures of Computer Simulation in Lüneburg. Research stays at the Stanford Center for Internet and Society, the Science and Technology Program University of Texas at Austin and the Oxford Internet Institute. Post-Doc DFG SFB1567 Virtual Lifeworlds Ruhr-University Bochum, research and teaching on AI, computer simulation, digital identity, eHealth, transactions & graphs and barns.
Arielle Esther is a Berlin-based sound artist and designer whose interest draws on exploring the interrelationships between the spatiality of sound, the aural perception and the act of listening itself. Trained as a sound engineer, Arielle has developed a specialism in the manipulation of sound within the context of electroacoustic and multi-channel audio composition, taking her practice through a wide range of interdisciplinary projects including interactive installations, films, and solo performances.
Vanessa Farfán is PhD candidate at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and holds a master’s degree in the arts from Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee. Her work has been exhibited at Ars Electronica (2019), Max Liebermann Haus (2020), Museum FLUXUS+ (2018), and Galerie Weisser Elefant (2019), among others. She has been awarded the Max Artist Grant by Stiftung Brandenburger Tor / Schering Stiftung (2018–2021).
Paul Heinicker is research associate in the Department of Design at the University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam, where he co-leads the research project "Border Values: Operational Relationships of Climate and Migration" funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. In 2023 he received his PhD from the Institute for Media and Art at the University of Potsdam. His research focuses the culture and politics of diagrams, data visualisations and system-based images.
Tobias Held is a PhD candidate at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Since 2017, he has been researching socio-interactive potentials of video telephony in the context of proximity and connectedness under the supervision of Prof. Andreas Mühlenberend and Prof. Dr. Jan Willmann. He teaches theories of perception, communication, and media at the Münster School of Design.
Adriana Kapsreiter studied art history and philosophy in Vienna and Berlin. She did her doctorate on the German Werkbund, industrial production and architecture between 1907 and 1914 at the Technische Universität Berlin. Since 2019 she works as research fellow at the Bauhaus-Archiv, Museum für Gestaltung Berlin. Besides of her various activites in communication of art she is also the host of the Bauhaus-Archive’s podcast “About Bauhaus”.
Amy Karle is an internationally award-winning bioartist working at the nexus of where digital, physical, and biological systems merge. She attended Alfred University and Cornell University, where she received degrees in Art and Design and Philosophy. Karle has shown work in 54 international exhibitions, including at: The Centre Pompidou, France; The Mori Art Museum, Japan; The Smithsonian, USA; Ars Electronica, Austria. She was honored as one of »BBC’s 100 Women« and has been named one of the »Most Influential Women in 3D Printing«.
kennedy+swan (founded in 2013) comprises the work of the artists Bianca Kennedy and Swan Collective. When working together, they explore the future of non-human intelligence and its impact on plants, animals, machines, and humans. For their videos and XR installations, the duo employs various animation techniques: drawings, stereoscopic film footage, 3D-scanned landscapes, and self-built characters. Recent works reflect upon the exponential rise of Artificial Intelligence and its impact on biology.
kennedy+swan (founded in 2013) comprises the work of the artists Bianca Kennedy and Swan Collective. When working together, they explore the future of non-human intelligence and its impact on plants, animals, machines, and humans. For their videos and XR installations, the duo employs various animation techniques: drawings, stereoscopic film footage, 3D-scanned landscapes, and self-built characters. Recent works reflect upon the exponential rise of Artificial Intelligence and its impact on biology.
Janne Kummer (they/them) is an interdisciplinary artist and educator. JK’s work explores the representational politics of bodies in both analogue and digital space, currently focusing on developments in AI. Their creative process is based on a somatic understanding that recognizes the body as a primary source of knowledge and transformation. Their works are presented in Germany and internationally. They have held fellowships at the Academy of Theatre and Digitality, "DiGiTal" program of BCP, "ATLAS Residency Impulstanz Vienna", "Berlin OpenLab", and German Academic Scholarship Foundation.
Ani Liu is a research-based artist working at the intersection of art & science. Her work examines the reciprocal relationships between science, technology and their influence on human subjectivity, culture, and identity. She is based in New York and currently teaching at Princeton University.
Marius Mathisrud is a Norwegian artist who graduated from the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (NL) in 2017. Mathisrud works with sculptures, installations, performance and film. Through his practice, Mathisrud challenges the idea of existentialism, social value systems and human behaviour in synergy with pop-cultural references often in the context of scientific bodily enhancements.
Gabriel S Moses is a Leipzig-based scholar and media/performance artist with a Zoomer complex. In other words, he’s told he’s older than he looks but he’s always racing to catch up. He is a DAAD scholar and PhD student at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. He is the co-founder of desperately seeking community and ArtUp Nation.
Niklas Hamann: After studying product design in Bachelor's and Master's degrees at HTW Dresden, Niklas Hamann went to Bauhaus-Universität Weimar as an artistic assistant.The initial motivation was his exploration of algorithmic design and 3D printing in medical technology in his Master's thesis. In addition to teaching in Weimar, he worked on the feasibility study "digital orthotics". This enabled him to begin his PhD at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. With an interruption due to parental leave, the PhD is expected to be completed in 2024.
Katharina Otto is an art historian and curator working at the intersection of the history of science and art. Research and teaching on visualizations of taxonomic and natural history classification systems with a focus on the transatlantic transfer of knowledge in the circulation of images between the "old" and "new" world in the early modern period. Her doctoral project deals with the Latin American Casta series of the 18th century and their significance in the genesis of scientific racism. Since April 2023, she has been a research assistant in the post graduate programme Media Anthropology at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
Maria Rogg is a PhD Candidate at the Department of Informatics and Media at Uppsala University. Within the WASP-HS program “BioMe: Existential Challenges and Ethical Imperatives of Biometric AI in Everyday Lifeworlds” she traces how ethical limits of biometric AI are fleshed out through biohacking as an existential media practice. Maria has published on care ethics and AI (AI & Society, 2022) and writes (about) speculative design fiction (Bloomsbury, forthcoming).
Brandon Rosenbluth b. Los Angeles, graduated from Bard College, is an art and music curator based in Ljubljana. He is the co-creator/curator of ARIA (Algo-Rhythmic Ideation Assembly) and curator for Indigo festival’s music program. His texts have been published by OFLUXO, Kamizdat, and Cukrarna, and he has guest edited ŠUM Journal; he is also a host of the ŠUM and Cartogenesis podcasts.
Juan Rubiano is an interdisciplinary Media artist graduated from the Bauhaus University in Weimar, Germany. His work weaves intricate narratives that mirror different aspects within our social context. He uses his own experience as research field and creates an ambivalence between the digital and the real to mark out the blurry boundaries of both sides. Based in Munich - Germany, he works on multiple projects in the field of immersive media, video installation, generative and interactive art.
Evke Rulffes is a cultural historian. Based on her PhD in Kulturwissenschaft at HU Berlin on German husbandry she wrote the non-academic book „Die Erfindung der Hausfrau. Geschichte einer Entwertung (The Invention of the Housewife. History of a Devaluation)“ in 2021. She also co-curated the exhibition „unBinding Bodies. Lotus Shoes and Corset“ with Jasmin Mersmann and Felix Sattler at MARKK Hamburg and TA T Berlin 2022/23.
Maximilian Rünker is a research associate in the DFG-Graduiertenkolleg Media Anthropology at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. He was previously a scholarship holder of the Thüringer Graduiertenförderung in 2019. He studied media and cultural studies at Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, where he worked at the International Office, among other places. His doctoral project is dedicated to a possible interconnection between media and transport studies. Further research interests: Brazilian film and cultural history, de- and postcolonial media studies, ethnology.
Vanina Saracino (she/they) is an independent curator, film programmer, writer, and lecturer. With extensive international experience, Saracino has curated exhibitions globally, including co-curating two editions of the Screen City Biennial: Other Minds at Archenhold Observatory (Berlin, 2022) and Ecologies – Lost, Found and Continued (Stavanger, 2019). Since 2021, Saracino has served as Adjunct Professor of Experimental Film and Media Art at Universität der Künste (UdK), Berlin.
Dagmar Schürrer is a digital artist working in the field of expanded animation and extended reality (XR) technologies, with significant international presentations at the ICA London, the Centre Pompidou Paris, the Louvre Paris, HKW Berlin, the Eunam Museum South Korea, Ars Electronica Linz, ISEA Brisbane, and Tate Modern London. Since 2018 she is a research assistant and workshop leader for artistic XR development at the University of Applied Sciences Berlin.
Saša Spačal, a postmedia artist, merges living systems research with contemporary art, emphasising the interconnectedness of the environment-culture continuum within planetary metabolisms. Her artistic endeavours include developing caring biotechnological methodologies that engage with both organic and mineral soil agents. In parallel, she explores the fragility of posthuman scenarios, weaving mechanical, digital, and organic logics within the realms of contemporary biopolitics and necropolitics. Her works were presented at venues such as ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Ars Electronica, Centre de Cultura Contemporània Barcelona – CCCB, New Tretyakov Gallery, National Art Museum of China.
Fanny Spång works within a multidisciplinary practice with visual expression through sculpture, installation, and animation. She holds a master’s degree in design from the University of Gothenburg and the School of Visual Arts, New York. Originally from Älmhult, Sweden, she is currently based in Berlin.
Marie Lynn
Marie Lynn Speckert is an interdisciplinary artist exploring the synthesis of art, technology, and medicine. She works in the field of performance, sound, and installations. A part of her research includes contributions to the Tangible Music Lab and Institute of Anatomy Leipzig for the development of body interfaces, biomechanical models, and medical preparations. Her internationally showcased pieces were featured in various venues, such as Sølvberget Galleri (NO), Venice Arsenale, Radial System Berlin, Microtec (Bozen), and Bæjarhátíð í Búðardal (ISL). She received scholarships from Stiftung Berliner Leben, Kulturstiftung Freistaat Sachsen, and Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung.
With a background in art science, Maja Stark has designed and coordinated various EU-funded research projects at the intersection of culture and XR technologies at HTW Berlin, e.g. the AURORA School for ARtists (2018–22), XR_Unites (2020–23) and HERA (started in 2023). In parallel, she has curated exhibitions, co-created creative XR applications, lectured, and conducted her own research in the fields of XR art and interdisciplinary XR development processes.
Teresa Mayr was born in Friedberg/Bavaria in 1992 and studied fine arts at various universities. Since graduating as Meisterschüler:in at UdK Berlin, Teresa Mayr has been working as a freelance artist and is currently completing a Ph.D. at Bauhaus-University Weimar. Teresa's drawings have been honoured several times, e.g. Young European Artist Trieste Contemporanea Award, are regularly shown in exhibitions and published in form of booklets by Fantôme Verlag Berlin.
Katharina Thurow is a freelance architect and designer. After studying architecture in Regensburg and Weimar, she is now a master student of product design at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Her interests lie in the design of a digital age environment and the exploration of political and systemic processes behind it.
Emilia Tikka is a transdisciplinary designer and researcher. She is currently a PhD candidate at Aalto University in Helsinki and an artist in residence at art4med consortium at the Finnish Bioart Society. Her work explores philosophical dimensions and cultural implications of the novel genome-editing technology CRISPR, engaging with questions of human biomedical enhancement.
Natascha Tümpel is an award-winning artist-designer, researcher and university lecturer with focus on computer-based design processes and the materiality of visual design. Her research operates at the intersection of communication design and art practice, theory of design/art and philosophy of technology. Her works were exhibited at Mattress Factory Contemporary Art Museum among others. Currently she is doing a PhD at Bauhaus-University Weimar in collaboration with Institute Digital Communication Environments HGK/FHNW.
Prof. Frans Vogelaar: co-founder of Hybrid Space Lab (, a think-tank and design-lab on architecture, urbanism, design, and digital culture.1998 he founded the first Department of Hybrid Space worldwide at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne. Born in The Netherlands, grew-up in Zimbabwe and Netherlands, studied at the Design Academy Eindhoven (honors) and the Architectural Association School of Architecture/AA (London), worked at Studio Alchymia (Milan) and at OMA/Rem Koolhaas (Rotterdam).
Alexander Wagner (*1987 in Hoyerswerda) studied German literature and philosophy and wrote his doctoral thesis on the continuities of German colonialism during the National Socialist era. He is a research assistant at the University of Wuppertal. His research interests and fields of activity include the history of East Germany, forms of cultural self-assurance, media history, gender history, postcolonial theory and spatial theory, psychoanalysis and research methods between arts and sciences.
Mats Werchohlad draws on inter- and transdisciplinary approaches to explore phenomena of spatial entanglements in technical, educational and social spheres. He uses methods from his multidisciplinary academic background, which includes a Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and a Master's degree in urban studies with additional courses in the field of media studies. As a member of the doctoral programme Epistemologies of Aesthetic Practices at the Collegium Helveticum Zurich, he is currently preparing a dissertation to analyse the various formations of spatial knowledge at the historical Bauhaus.
Jan Willmann, Prof. Dr., holds the Chair of Design Theory at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Author and co-editor of numerous articles on digital cultures in design, art and architecture, including digital futures and transformation, e.g. The Robotic Touch, Zurich 2014, and Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design, Springer 2018. Research focus: Contemporary design theory and design research at the intersection of cultural, technological and social history with a particular focus on digital, materialist and epistemic perspectives.